2012 – The Ellen (Ashby) Payne Odom Genealogical Library was made possible by a bequest from Ellen Ashby Payne Odom. Mrs. Odom was a trustee of the Moultrie Colquitt County Library and very interested in genealogy. Upon her death, she bequeathed the proceeds of the sale of her estate to the library for the purpose of building a genealogy library in Moultrie. The Odom Library was built in 1988-1989, and operates on the interest from her estate.
The library is most famous for its collection concerning Scottish genealogy, which is the archival home for more that 130 Scottish clan organizations. Thanks to the assistance from the Director and Librarian, the library has been the home for the Clan Wallace Society historical records since 2001. In 2010, CWS began donating $400 to Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library on an ongoing basis. This donation is being matched by Past Executive Vice President, Wayne Jones.