The Detroit Highland Games (MI) was held on August 4, 2018. Ugly hot temperatures on Saturday to greet the twenty six clan tents participating and Clan Wallace was among them. Also at the games are Council of Scottish Clans and Associations and Scottish Culture, Grant’s Company and St. Andrews Society of Detroit. Russ and Marcia Harper hosted the Clan Wallace tent.

These games are held at Greenmead Historical Park Livonia, Michigan. Greenmead is a historical farm site that was purchased by the city of Livonia to preserve the legacy of Michigan’s agricultural heritage.
At eleven o’clock was the blessing of the tartan. Followed by the parade of tartan. We were joined by Terry Wallace and Jim Wagner as we marched around the parade field. Todd and Connie Wallace, and Mary Ann Wallace joined us at the tent to enjoy the games.
The games hosted a tug o’ war, Highland dancing competition, heavy athletics, wee bairns area, whisky tasting, Highland Tea, and shortbread contest.
Our thanks to all that came out and enjoy the weekend with us. Without YOU there is no Clan Wallace. Can’t wait to see you all next year!
Courtesy of Marcia Harper