The Wisconsin Highland Games (WI) was held on September 4th, 5th and 6th, 2017. Cool and windy start on Saturday to greet the twenty clan tents participating and Clan Wallace was among them. Also at the games are Council of Scottish Clans and Associations and Scottish Culture, SAMS, Robert Burns Club of Milwaukee and St. Andrews Society of Milwaukee. Russ and Marcia Harper hosted the Clan Wallace tent.
These games are held at Waukesha Expo Center, Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Friday night Fish fry and calling of the clans started the weekend festivities off with a great start. David Wallace joined Russ at the calling of the clan.
Saturday at noon was the Parade of Tartans. We were joined by David Wallace as we marched around the parade field. We were recognized as Best of Clan in the parade of tartans.
The games hosted Highland and Irish dancing competition, heavy athletics, wee bairns area, Pipe and Drum competition, sheep and duck herding, Queens Court, Archery competition, Haggis Hurl, and Battle Axe and Knife throwing.
Our thanks to all that came out and enjoy the weekend with us. Without YOU there is no Clan Wallace. Can’t wait to see you all next year!
Contributed by Marcia Harper