The Greater Greenville Scottish Games (SC) was held on May 27, 2017. Bright sunny skies and 80 degree weather, greeted the forty two clan tents participating and Clan Wallace was among them. Other participants included the SAMS (Scottish American Military Society) , Council of Scottish Clans and Societies and Scottish Culture and St. Andrews Society of Upper South Carolina. Russ and Marcia Harper along with Megan Fischer hosted the Clan Wallace tent.

This years’ game had the added theme of a tribute to our Military Heroes. One of the highlights of the tribute was the Royal Highland Fusiliers just recently returned from Afghanistan. The Royal Highland Fusiliers (Princess Margaret’s own Glasgow and Ayrshire Regiment) was a regular Scottish Division, and abbreviated as ‘The RHF’. The regiment was formed on January 20, 1959 by the then amalgamation of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, with Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment). The other highlight was having The US Army Special forces paratroopers land in the center of the field with flags. The 2d Marine Division Band was also part of the Tribute to our Military Heroes.
The parade of tartans was held at nine before opening ceremonies. Special guest was Hon. Alexander Leslie the earl of Rothes clan chief of Leslie.
The entertainment included the Celtic bands, Albannach, Lissakole, and Cleghorn along with eleven pipe bands that are in the Piping Competition and Drum Major competition. The Games included heavy athletics, and British Car Show, Scottish Country Highland Dancing and Irish Dancing, EMAA (European Medieval Arts of Arms), Border Collies competition, and Children events.
Special thanks to Megan Fischer, Frank Randall, Susanne Dykes and Laura Carr and to all that came and hung out at the Wallace Tent. We can’t do this without you.
Courtesy of Marcia Harper