Since the kick off of this new "Rewards Program" on 1 July 2005, the Society has received tax-exempt donations from nine Society Members totaling $ 8,000. This incredible start to an important initiative is both refreshing and impressive. The funds will give the Society Board an opportunity to fund several important projects in the near future to fulfill the goals and purposes of our Articles of Incorporation. The President and the Board of Directors of the Clan Wallace Society Worldwide sincerely appreciate the loyalty and dedication demonstrated by these donations.
Andrew Wallace (center) Congratulating Reward Awardees (l-r) Marcus J. Wallace, Russ Harper, Marcia Harper and John R. Wallace at Ceremony in Edinburgh Scotland.
Andrew Wallace is the son of Chief Ian Wallace of that Ilk.The following is a list of the recent donors;
Circle of Sir William WallaceJohn R. Wallace, Council Member - Virginia Beach, VA Circle of the Knight
Marcus J. Wallace, Council Member - Corinth, TX Charles T. Wallace, Council Member - Tucson, AZ Circle of the Saltire
Falconer Wallace, Council Member - Strathdon, Scotland Alistair Wallace, Council Member - Strathdon, Scotland
President John with Circle of the Saltire Rewards Recipients
Alistair and Falconer Wallace of Strathdon ScotlandCircle of the Cross
Marcia Harper, Member - Lewisville, NC Circle of the Thistle
Russ Harper, Member - Lewisville, NC George M. Wallace, Council Member - Columbus, OH Patricia P. Crocker, Council Member - Houston, TX All persons, whether members of the Society or not, may participate in this Rewards Program and receive the uniquely designed pins, medals, and medallions that represent their tax-exempt donations to the program. Information on how to get involved is found on the Society's "Rewards Program" web page or by contacting the Society at 4327 Gadwall Place, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4810.
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Copyright© 2005 Clan Wallace Society - Last Updated: Oct. 6, 2005 -